domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2016

The Inevitable Requiem of the Planet

The Inevitable Requiem of the Planet

The science proves every day, the lethal damage of global warming.


The people all over the World, seems to ignore, that all the chemicals, waste, and runoff factories expel every day, have a deep and devastating impact on our environment, the same that we depend on to survive; not in the future, but "right now".


There are still people out there who don’t know the difference between weather and climate. There are people who do not care about our only natural environment, whether it’s global warming, overpopulation; overfishing, desertification; flood or deforestation.


Even aside from the increasing fast Climate severe change, there are many other social factors, that are wreaking havoc on our common Home, the Earth.


While it’s easy to enjoy our comfortable lifestyles, complete with air conditioning, smartphones, water, gas, electricity and unlimited buffets, many humans do not have those "luxuries", not even in an elemental and basic amounts. And these people are so easy to ignore and avoid, unless we see them living in extreme squalor.


Planet Earth and all its inhabitants without exception, land animals, waters, fishes and every kind of plants, are being rapidly ravaged, ignored and massacred.


Several hundreds of thousands of innocent, are dying every year silently in the World, due to the poisoning of water, air, food, acid rain and toxic materials that we use daily

legs on drought land
Credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

We have hardly abused our common Mother Earth

It’s been proven since decades, that temperatures are rising across the whole Planet.


One of the several problems with this, is that the Icecaps are melting. Not only is lethal for the animals that inhabit North Pole and Antarctic regions, but it causes Ocean levels rising, which is destroying and devouring many Islands and entire coasts all over the 5 Continents every year, causing at the same time, the corresponding colateral damages.

lots of dead fish in rio brazil



In Bangladesh, little children play next to a severely polluted canals. While some parents here worry about giving their kids non-organic foods, imagine living in the one of the most polluted Cities on Earth.

Every day, local tanneries dump over 20,000 cubic liters of toxic waste into the Capital Dhaka’s main river and key essential water supply, the Bugiganga.

In Bangladesh, little children play next to a severely polluted canals getting deadly poisoned. While some parents here worry about giving their kids non-organic foods, millions are living in the one of the most polluted Cities on Earth

thailand oil spill

Permanent oil spill off the coast of Thailand, but they happen all over the World "all the time". And one of the most saddest things is that most of them, do not get media coverage, because they are "under-covered" by the Governments, paid to "not react", by the International Oil Companies and happen so often.
Oil spills affect and kill marine life and other animals, as well as beaches, that are needed for the food global essential chain.

fire in amazon forest

Millions of Acres of Forests, are disappearing for ever every year in Amazonia and other of the few remaining Rain Forests, due to the uncontrolled global de-forestation.The picture shows another "little" example of deforestation in the Amazonia.
Controlled fires destroy the flora and fauna living in these forest to make way for cattle.
Another reason to guilt you into eating well-source meats.
Amazonia is "the last" essential breath natural resource of the Planet, needed to continue with the Earth Life as we know it.

thousands of fish washed up

Overfishing to feed the increasing global population is a real and dangerous global threat. Next generations, won’t be able to enjoy the wild fish we enjoy and they will have to consume less tasty farmed fish, at excessive expensive, prices only accesible for people with good incomes. The Peoples of the World will run out of seafood and many of the present food resources, around 2050. That’s much closer, than the original food global reserves calculations, that were made at the beginning of the 21st Century.

exhaust from cooling towers of coal stations

The Earth has a natural “Greenhouse”, that keeps us insulated. If it didn’t exist we would be frozen. But the use of fossil fuels adds additional gases to our greenhouse, which insulates our atmosphere, leading to rising dangerous temperatures across the World, compromising the continuity of life.

children wading through garbage in

Tuvalu is a Polynesian Island, located in the Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and Australia. Due to the devastating global warming, they have constant floods on their coastal towns, that brings in garbage and destroys half of their homes. The same and even much worst, happens all over the Planet.
As many places or lands surrounded by water, without the altitude enough to survive to the improvement lof the Oceans level, Bangladesh, shall probably disappear before the end of this Century or the beginning of the next.

deforestation in indonesia
Greenpeace says there is an significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions. This kills off animals like sumatran tigers, causing them to be severely endangered or death.
Local communities also suffer, for people’s need of paper and palm oil.
Greenpeace says,tthat Indonesia, is home to between 10 and 15 percent of the entire World’s known plants, mammals, and birds.”

new delhi photo of pollution
India’s population is more than 1.3 billion people (and growing too fast), which makes it the most populated Country in the whole World after China.
This aerial photo of New Delhi, shows how congested and polluted the City is, due to overcrowding.

river of garbage in phillipines
Manila City, has a River 100% full of garbage.
Countless Rivers, Lakes and also many seas, are in similar increasing situation, bringing death all over.
It is estimated that discarded
plastic will outweigh fish and micro-organic life in the Oceans, by 2050, causing serious danger for the whole food global chain and the obviously, for the surviving of life on Earth.

polluted yamuna river
Deadly toxic runoff in New Delhi. This is what it nowadays became  the former pure Yamuna River, Holy to Hindus and accounts for the 70% of the the City’s and the 100% for hundreds of small Villages water supply, generating a continuous wave of death for many thousands of children and adults every year.

air pollution in chinese city

Changsha, in the Hunan Province of China. It’s awful smog due to pollution.
China has a overpopulation problem, causing them to make a one-child per couple law, but they continue to produce copious amounts of pollution.
China has many of the most polluted Cities in the World.

In Beijing, coal and cars are the two main sources of air pollution.
Dozens of thousands are dying in the whole territory of China every year, due to the poisoned air and their pollution is extending it self in such speed, that soon will cross the China borders to the rest of the Planet.

bees on honey comb
Without bees, human life on Earth, "would not survive"
Millions of bees are dying for a strange decease that corrode them inside, caused by pollution and different chemicals.
The bee lethal problem over the past few years, has direct relation with global food chain and ecosystems surviving. Such little creatures, have a direct and essential impact on our environment. The problem, is that bees fertilize 1/3 of our Planet’s food.
The extinction of the bees, means human being global starving.

bird covered in oil from lousiana oil spill
This bird, as well as several thousands of them, is deadly covered in oil from a spill in Louisiana 2016. This happens all over the Planet every Month, killing thousands of thousands of birds, that are essential to transport the seeds, to continue with the basic food chain on Earth.
Most of the inhabitants in New Orleans ignore everything about this oil spill.

garbage river in phillipines
This little raft, is made from styrofoam. This father and son in the Philippines, are paddling through a River full of trash, in order  to collect plastic bottles and many other elements to sell and survive from that incomes. They make only $3US a day, but if they-as well as many thousands of families of the Planet- would not do it, the countless amount of garbage of those Rivers, would invade even more the Seas and Oceans. all over the Earth, bringing much more death that it usually causes.

mexico city pollutionMexico City covered in lethal smog. At least 5000 thousand persons die every year there, due to the pollution and another 2500 die, for colateral deceases caused by the poisoned air and waters.
The City is overcrowded and also considered one of the most polluted Cities in the World.
In 1992, the United Nations named it "the most polluted City in the World"

inside of chernobyl

Human "necessary and demanding progress", may bring the Apocalypse in a short time

In 1986 in the City of Pripyat, in the former USSR, there was a horrific and catastrophic nuclear accident.
There is still residual radioactivity in the surrounding environment and even in other countries. The deaths caused by the Chernobyl disaster, is debated.

The Chernobyl radiation cloud, arrived to the rest of Europe, causing death and decease still today, 3 decades after. 

Resultado de imagen para the worst diseases caused in chernobyl and fukushima accidents

In 1986 in the city of Pripyat, in the former USSR, there was a horrific and catastrophic nuclear accident. There is still residual radioactivity in the surrounding environment and even in other countries. The deaths caused by the Chernobyl disaster is debated. While most of the victims developed or will develop cancer from the radiation. Nuclear power is a cheap and efficient source of electricity compared to fossil fuels. Some say that nuclear energy is less environmentally harmful, but Chernobyl proves otherwise.
During the years, those infected by radiation, keep on dying or presenting physical severe anomalies, even today, as it happens with the animals, fishes and food...

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Even in 2016, strange degenerative anomalies, still ocurre because of th e radiation of Chernobyl and Fukushima, in many other places far away from the accidents, due to the toxic clouds and poisoned waters and lands.

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On March 11th, 2011, happened worst in Fukushima, Japan.
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In the meanwhile, most of the thousands of the surviving victims in both places, have developed or will develop cancer  and different kinds of abnormal deceases,
from the radiation.  

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Nuclear power is a cheap, "clean" and efficient source of electricity, compared to fossil fuels.
In theory, the Nuclear Energy is less environmentally harmful, but Chernobyl proves otherwise.

rubbish on uk beach
Billions of billions of all kind of garbage tones, are generated and increasingly spread around the whole World, every day, although we all know how dangerous it is.
Even in more developed Nations, garbage dumping is an issue. Most of the
UK’s beach debris,
is from beachgoers. Way to bring the ruin and death for the rest of the species, including us.

atomic bomb child victim
Everyone learns about the Japanese bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.
The total people killed directly is in the hundreds of thousands. The residual effects harmed even more people who died from the effect of burns, radiation sickness, and more.

garbage computers
E-Waste , a "new category of garbage", is also a dramatic concern, that is growing as technology, is advancing and expanding. Smartphones, computers and the like are trashed and can contain deadly and harmful components, that use to, or can seep into groundwater, poisoning it.

carcass of baby sealNot regulated hunting and fishing, are provoking the extinction of thousands of species or bringing them to the critical point.
Let’s not forget the amazing animals that once roamed the Earth before we got involved due to hunting or destroying their habitats. No more West African black rhinos, Javan tigers and hundreds more.

Athabasca_oil_sandsThe Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta, Canada, can be seen from space. Of course, this and other oil sands have a negative impact on the environment and well as human welfare.
People are becoming much more dependent on crude oils and choose to buy electric cars and invest in solar power, becomes always very expensive.

tire dump in spain
Thankfully, many Nations determined to no longer burn used tires. But this eyesore is a dump along the Spanish countryside. Since 2003, they have be claimed illegal, as many other places in the World where they keep doing this high polluting activity.
Worn tires and now be recycled for building materials, surfacing for roads, sports tracks and children’s playgrounds.

mir mine in russia
Over in East Siberia sits this former diamond mine. It’s over 1500 feet deep and has a diameter of almost 4,000 feet: it is the second largest excavated hole in the world. Our greed for diamonds made us put a huge gaping hole in the earth that hasn’t been used for over ten years. The airspace over Mir is off limits for flying because there have been reports of helicopters being sucked in by the airflow.

cattle head otuside butcher shop
People all over, love to eat steaks and burgers. The average American, consumes 171 pounds of cow a year and Argentinians, double.
The increase in global population, creates more of a demand for cattle, thus increasing the amounts of farmed bovines.
The cattle itself and its remains, generate a large percentage of global warming, but raising, slaughtering, and shipping of these cows, use a lot of fossil energy, water and land. It also contributes to large greenhouse gas emissions and the decline of Rainforests.

sherpa collecting trash on mount everestEven in the most remote and not accesible places of Earth, without necessity, Humans are leaving their polluted remains.
Brave climbers, often attempt to ascend the great Mount Everest, even risking their lives. Unfortunately, many of them, without an explanation, leave behind tones of their garbage on the natural wonder, as well as they do it every year on the rest of the Nepal, Pakistan, or European or american mountains. This altruist sherpa, as some few others, is helping to clean up his beloved Everest. It is impossible to understand, why the normal human behaviour, is usually able, to destroy Mother Nature and Mother Earth

historical photos in color holocaust
Since the very first moment in wich the so called "Human Being" appeared on this Planet, there was not a single day, without assassination and the blood of millions was spread by their same specie.
Hate is as old as life. We shall never stop, until is too late...

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Resultado de imagen para THE WORST REAL DEATH IMAGES OF WARResultado de imagen para THE WORST REAL DEATH IMAGES OF WAR

Hatred for others has killed billions of people through the course of  the last 6000 years of the few last part of the relatively "known History".
How many killings, wars, terrorist attacks, and shootings have there been? That’s not even including greed, rape, and apathy, that we perceive and live every second.
Aside from our environmental impacts, nothing it’s sadder, than the negative impacts we have and we will always have, on our fellow humans, worst that the ones made every day to Mother Nature and Mother Earth.

Wars, unknown and known plagues, religion fanatic terrorism; racism; famines; scarcity of food, water and pure air to breath...are just few superficial examples and "the firsts signals" of the dramatic transmutation the the World is living.
Some of them, due to the selfish human behaviour; some others, because of the astronomical cicles of nature and the Cosmos. As the Human nature and Earth nature will never stop, the worst is yet to come...

Anthör Zêit Gêist

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